Adobe Blend Modes

Adobe Blend Modes kurz im Vergleich

[Blend Image]

[Base Footage]

_________ Blend Modes _________

Premiere Pro Blend Modes

A - Standard

B - Darken

C - Lighten

D - Contrast

E - Difference


[A - Standard]

1) Normal (Normal)

  • default mode.

2) Dissolve | 50% (Sprenkeln)

  • the result color is a random replacement of the pixels with the base color or the blend color

[B - Darken]

3) Darken (Abdunkeln)

  • "whichever is darker"

  • pixels lighter than the blend are replaced

  • pixels darker than the blend do not change

4) Multiply (Multiplizieren)

  • multiplies the base color by the blend color

  • is always a darker color

  • black produces black

  • white leaves unchanged

  • "similar to drawing with multiple marking pens"

5) Color Burn (Farbig nachbelichten)

  • darkens the base color to reflect the blend color

  • by increasing the contrast between the two

  • blending with white produces no change

6) Linear Burn (Linear nachbelichten)

  • darkens the base color to reflect the blend color

  • by decreasing the brightness

  • Blending with white produces no change

7) Darker Color (Dunklere Farbe)

  • displays the lower value color

  • Darker Color does not produce a third color

  • chooses the lowest channel values from both the base and the blend color to create the result color


  • Compares the total of all channel values

[C - Lighten]

8) Lighten (Aufhellen)

  • whichever is lighter—is the result color

  • pixels darker than the blend color are replaced

  • pixels lighter than the blend color do not change

9) Screen (Negativ multiplizieren)

  • multiplies the inverse of the blend and base colors

  • is always a lighter color

  • black leaves the color unchanged

  • white produces white

  • effect like projecting multiple photographic slides on top of each other

10) Color Dodge (Farbig abwedeln)

  • brightens the base color to reflect the blend color

  • by decreasing contrast between the two

  • blending with black produces no change

11) Linear Dodge (Add) (Linear abwedeln (HinzufĂĽgen)

  • brightens the base color to reflect the blend color

  • by increasing the brightness

  • blending with black produces no change

12) Lighter Color (Hellere Farbe)

  • displays the higher value color

  • Lighter Color does not produce a third color

  • chooses the highest channel values from both the base and blend color to create the result color


  • Compares the total of all channel values

[D - Contrast]

13) Overlay (Ăśberlagern)

  • depending on the base color

  • mixed to reflect the lightness or darkness of the original color

14) Soft Light (Weiches Licht)

  • Darkens or lightens the colors

  • depending on the blend color

  • black or white produces a distinctly darker or lighter area

    • but does not result in pure black or white

  • The effect is similar to shining a diffused spotlight on the image

15) Hard Light (Hartes Licht)

  • Multiplies or screens the colors

  • depending on the blend color

  • black or white results in pure black or white.

  • The effect is similar to shining a harsh spotlight on the image.

16) Vivid Light (Intensives Licht)

  • increasing or decreasing the contrast

  • depending on the blend color.

17) Linear Light (Lineares Licht)

  • decreasing or increasing the brightness

  • depending on the blend color

18) Pin Light (Stiftlicht)

  • Replaces the colors

  • depending on the blend color

  • This is useful for adding special effects to an image

19) Hard Mix (Harter Mix)

  • changes all pixels to primary additive colors

  • (red, green, or blue), white, or black.

[E - Difference]

20) Difference (Differenz)

  • blending with white inverts the base color values

  • blending with black produces no change

21) Exclusion (Ausschluss)

  • Same like Difference

    • but lower in contrast

  • blending with white inverts the base color values

  • blending with black produces no change

22) Subtract (Subtrahieren)

  • subtracts the blend from the base color

23) Divide (Dividieren)

  • divides the blend from the base color

[F - HSL]

24) Hue (Farbton)

  • hue of the blend color

  • luminance and saturation of the base

25) Saturation (Sättigung)

  • saturation of the blend color

  • luminance and hue of the base color

  • no (0) saturation (gray) causes no change

26) Color (Farbe)

  • luminance of the base color

  • hue and saturation of the blend color

  • preserves the gray levels in the image

  • useful for coloring monochrome images and for tinting color images

27) Luminosity (Luminanz)

  • luminance of the blend color

  • hue and saturation of the base color

  • creates the inverse effect of Color mode

Premiere Blend Mode Tester

Mehr Infos zu Blend Modes von Adobe "Official"